Why BE Petrothai ?

BE Petrothai Group is not just a vendor. But we are an ‘Adaptive Partner’ who always take clients’
requirements into account and maintain to facilitate until we achieve our shared goal.

“ Throughout 40 years, we have kept our
commitment to 100%
successful contracts. ”

BE Petrothai Uniqueness

  1. 40 years of expertise in Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry.
  2. Our strength is engineering and delivering management in regional and international. We expertly source and select equipment by our application engineer. We always find the best solution for our partners and clients as we committed.
  3. We adhere to honesty, transparency, accountability. We have gratefully received TRACE and CAC certification, which can guarantee our good governance commitment.
  4. We committed to 100% successful contracts and never left any burden for our clients since BE Petrothai Group established.

BE Petrothai’s Identity: Adaptive Innovation Partner

  • Adapt to the changing world

    We are your ‘Adaptive partner’. We courage for further development and uplift international satisfaction standard for our stakeholders.

  • Innovate and challenge with customer’s requirement and status quo.

    We always pursue new market knowledge, technology, and seek all possibilities for our clients and partners.

  • Partner throughout the equipment life cycle

    We’ve gathered information and developed knowledge management system for our readiness and further performance. Together, we can elevate and utilize the data management system with our customers to shorten lead time and reduce costs.

BE Petrothai Core Value

BE Petrothai strives to instill desirable character in its people, which will lead to better work processes and results.
Therefore, we have the SHORE Value that everyone adheres to as the heart of work as follows;

  • Simple

    Always simplify concepts, aspects, and planning.

  • Honest

    Honest with others like being honest with ourselves.

  • Original

    Delivering valuable contributions through the BE Petrothai’s unique work process.

  • Reliable

    Delivering trust in working processes to all customers and partners.

  • Excellence

    Striving for excellence, dedicating to our best to achieve our commitments.

BE Petrothai

“Adaptive Innovation Partner

Committed to Excellence

We keep our promises and take care of our responsibilities to the customer.
All of our employees aim to create the best result possible.