BE Petrothai Group and ESGProven business growth and sustainable future

Supply of equipment for oil and gas Thailand

We believe that “business success” and “sustainability” must go hand in hand...

ESG is therefore at the heart of all our business principles at BE Petrothai Group. The importance is given not only for corporate profit but also for sustainable future as well. It is a core goal in all of our team members to help encourage the development of sustainable economic, social, and environmental changes in Thailand.

Occupation Health & Safety Policy

Our Environmental Commitment :

BE Petrothai Group’s Founder,

Mr. Kitja Chamnongarsa, has a joined in subcommittee of studying the bill to regulate the handling of electrical products and electronic waste. Therefore, the subcommittee proposed electronic life cycle model and other relevant regulations. We would like to drive the electronic waste management issue for better environmental sustainability and prevent possible dangers from heavy metals both in the short and long term.

BE Petrothai’s ESG : e-waste issues
BE Petrothai’s ESG: Knowledge Mapping for Integrated “Water” Resource Management

Our Social Commitment :

BE Petrothai Group by Mr. Kitja Chamnongarsa, as one of advisor of the Ad Hoc Committee on solving of Thailand submerge and water resource management in 2011, has collaborated with over 29 agencies to gather crucial information and developed a 'knowledge mapping' for an integrated and effective water resource management system.

Another vital component for corporate sustainability is the care given to employees’ quality of life. That is why we have continuously hosted activities that will improve our employees' health and safety. Relevant workshops are frequently organized to help staff development. A pleasant working environment is provided as well as other health benefits such as annual health check-ups for our staff.

Our Social Commitment

Our Governance Commitment:

The essential business principles that BE Petrothai Group has conducted from the beginning are to implement good corporate governance, give importance to stakeholders’ interests, and raising anti-corruption awareness. We have been examined and approved from TRACE International, an internationally accepted anti-bribery business organization as well as Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC). This has given great confidence to many world-class companies who have become our business partners.

Recently, BE Petrothai Group has also signed an agreement with Thai Oil Public Company Limited in the ESG Plus Verification program 2018 - 2019. The program is designed to encourage Thai Oil’s main business partners to carry out business under ESG principles. Ensure business practices that will lead to a sustainable future.

BE Petrothai concerns good governance, CAC and TRACE as part of our business model

Committed to Excellence

We keep our promises and take care of our responsibilities to the customer.
All of our employees aim to create the best result possible.